Wednesday 23 April 2014

Alice in wonderland subliminal messages

Is Alice in wonderland about drugs? It has been known that many people think of this movie about drugs. In the movie Alice drinks a liquid which makes her change sizes and eats mushrooms. Also on the way she meets a smoking caterpillar.

Alice in wonderland information

Alice in wonderland information

FULL TITLE ·  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
AUTHOR · Lewis Carroll
TYPE OF WORK · Novella
GENRE · Fairy tale; children’s fiction; satire; allegory
LANGUAGE · English
TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN · 1862–1863, Oxford
PUBLISHER · Macmillan & Co.
NARRATOR · The narrator is anonymous and does not use many words to describe events in the story.
POINT OF VIEW · The narrator speaks in third person, though occasionally in first and second person. The narrative follows Alice around on her travels, voicing her thoughts and feelings.
TONE · Straightforward; avuncular
TENSE · Past
SETTING (TIME) · Victorian era, circa publication date
SETTING (PLACE) · England, Wonderland
MAJOR CONFLICT · Alice attempts to come to terms with the puzzle of Wonderland as she undergoes great individual changes while entrenched in Wonderland.
RISING ACTION · Alice follows the White Rabbit down a well and pursues him through Wonderland.
CLIMAX · Alice gains control over her size and enters the garden, where she participates in the trial of the Knave of Hearts.
FALLING ACTION · Alice realizes that Wonderland is a sham and knocks over the playing card court, causing her to wake up and dispel the dream of Wonderland.
THEMES · The tragic and inevitable loss of childhood innocence; Life as a meaningless puzzle; Death as a constant and underlying menace
MOTIFS · Dream; subversion; language; “curious,” “nonsense,” and “confusing”
SYMBOLS · The garden; the mushroom
FORESHADOWING · The Mouse’s history about Fury and the Mouse foreshadows the trial at the end of the story.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Alice and wonderland group project

The mad hatter and his walking tea party
Me and Amy started playing around in a box and came up with the initial idea of being tweedledee and tweedledum, within the box. But we had no idea what the box could be. 

Ideas for the box:
-toy duck 
-collage of clips from the movie 
-tea party 

Tea party:
We started to think of ways we could hold the box up with as little effort as possible. With the help of others we made suspenders that attach to the box. Also as the box was droopy we put a few sticks of willow within the box to support to the top. 

Then we found a sheet of fabric and cut in body holes to put over the box to make the table cloth. We have decided to use others help to create cups, treats and table toppers.

Table toppers need to be a light material so the box isn't weighed down and the shape isn't altered.
Materials such as modroc, polystyrene and plastercine may be the right type to use. The type of materials I could use for icing could be coloured wax, glink, or paint.

Mad hatter: The mad hatter will be wearing a velvet waistcoat, bow tie (either made with buttons or badges), boot cut trousers, vest top and top hat. 

Tweedledee and tweedledum:
stripy top, leggings, stripped socks. Doc martens, and hat. 

Final outcome 

For the tweedle Dee and tweedle dum costumes I picked up two yellow shirts up from a charity shop, some yellow paper and some blue and red crêpe paper. I formed the bows and hats using the crêpe paper and yellow paper, also with a tad bit of superglue.