Thursday 27 February 2014

Project so far- Alice in wonderland

Project so far- Evaluation

At the beggining of this project I decided to go into prop and costume.
First of all I decided that I wanted to re-create tea party scene making big cakes and treats. I started of by doing small experiments first to see how the outcome would turn out so I wouldnt spend time of something that wouldnt turn out right. I also tried to create a colourful cake stand. I started using cardboard and wrapping it with tissue paper, it all started falling apart, also I didnt know what sturdy material I could use to hold up the tiers for the stand. I then decided to try creating the stand out with modroc and wire. As the modroc was wet it would just flop of the wire and wouldn't hold as I would of liked it to. I would of liked it to have been straight on the bottom and round. I then moved on to making props out of plastercine, this didnt turn out very well as im more of a fast worker than doing things to precise. Also I made a few table props from polystren and modroc. I simply just cut out some shapes from the polystrene and covered them with modroc; I then decorated them with paint, wax and glitter to add the toppings.

I then began to think about making the tradional alice in wonderland into more of an adult comedy. I started looking at hidden messages and images within this film. I didnt find much information within this but what I did come up with is collecting alcohol bottles, filling them with ink/water and adding the drink me sign on the bottle top. I found miniture bottles so I could do my own mini bottles with no labels on and also closed with a cork like the original film.

I was getting really iriatble with not knowing what i wanted to make. Whilst I wondered I came across a pack of cards in the studio and came up with the idea of making a queen of hearts costume with playing cards. I began by thinking of structures on how I could hold the dress together. I decided and then proceeded to sew cards onto some ribbon so i could tie them around the body. I created 4 of these being 13 cards on each strip. I was going to just create a body fully of these strip but after a week of being off college I came to college with a fresh mind and began to create an elegant dress, but still including the strips of cards. I have used black velvet for the base of the dress as it is quite an elegant material and looks quite shiny. I have also added a small red trail on the back of the dress. I first decided to do this so i could leave a fitting space within the dress and also to cover the ribbon of the card strips. I then decided on having the strips of cards on to the bottom of the dress so the dress doesnt look bold and so in your face and also It would keep the dress more elegant. The purpose of this dress is to not give the queen of hearts a vibe of im better than everyone else. I wish for the outcome to look lady like and more of an evening dress.

When I have completed the dress I have a few things in mind what I can do. I am contemplating create sponge treats out of fabrics and also create more character costumes. I have enjoyed using textiles for this project as it brings all different types of arts into one and all different techniques can be used.

Project continued:

I have created a velvet dress with cards stuck around the bottom. I started by making the base of the dress. Which I rushed and made a mess off. I then made a red velvet back to the dress to cover up the mistakes I made.

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