Tuesday 6 May 2014



Lino printing (Other known as linoleum). 

Lino printing is a type of print making which has similar principals as a woodcut. This was used in 1863 as a surface covering composed of linseed oil and cork. In 1890 linoleum was cheaper and easier to grave into. It was also used to produce wallpaper. This technique was often used as it was an easier and faster process. The technique was often taught in schools as an inexpensive way to create illustrations. 

I like Lino printing as there are lots of choices to play with. Being able to re use the Lino and make different colour prints is handy to as not always I choose the best colour. It's quiet a relaxing technique. To say I'm not most keen on time consuming activities this is one of my most preferred activity. 

Irving amen 


Bill fick 

Christine McCarthy 


Developed in the late 1800's 
Has many different meanings like, blouse, garment, cloth, brightly coloured ect. 

What I like about mola is being able to create vibrant pieces of work. I like the act i can create a picture out of a couple of pieces of fabric, sewing needle, cotton and scissors. What I dislike about mola is that it can be time consuming but I love the outcome of the technique. Being able to use any material and colours is great.


Wax resist dyeing 

Heat manipulation 




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