Saturday 10 May 2014

FMP Flesh Artists (Fabric)

Its's not what's on the outside,It's the inside that counts

As I looked through all different forms of realistic flesh artists I came across artists that use fabrics to create inside body parts. This got me thinking about imagine if our organs were placed outside of the body. Imagine if we was to wear our organs. I have begun looking at artists that use textile materials to create our gruesome insides. 

Tamara Kostianovsky

We often speak of meat as if it were a textile. We talk about the way it knits together, the way it is mended, the way it is stitched together. Actus Reus is a project by Brooklyn–based artist Tamara Kostianovsky that makes flesh out of fabric. She recreates hooked wads of gristle, sinew, and musculature out of discarded clothing and other textiles.

Kostianovsky shares that she has always felt a strange compulsion for the fabric of meat, a compulsion can be traced back to her days as a child working in a surgeon’s office in Buenos Aires. There, Kostianovsky says, “I had the opportunity to see what is concealed behind the skin. I was fascinated with the way muscles, fat, and blood interacted, transforming small portions of the body into mesmerizing compositions of color, texture, and form. Even today, I continue to see the world through that lens.”


I like the way how Tamara uses her old threads to create her sculptures, Also I like how her work isn't neatly cut and symmetrical as it gives it more of a realistic look/feel to it. What I really do like about her work is the fact if you are able to touch and interact with it with the materials being soft it gives more of a loving and delicate feel. The sculptures being delicate gives me more ideas towards my work as if I were to create a organ with fabric I would like to give of the feeling that our body's need to be treated with care and love as we don't know how delicate they can be. 

After researching into Tamara's work I came along an artist called Rosa Verloop who uses soft materials to create human faces and figures. 

Dutch artist Rosa Verloop has extended her body of work with these 'nylon sculptures'. the highly textural pieces capitalize on the key medium used, stockings, which is tucked and moulded to create a distinctly human-like figure. the flesh-coloured panty hose fortify the anthropomorphic qualities of the work, manipulated in an organic fashion with drawing pins to create something strangely exotic. 

Yet again I love this work as the materials used showing how delicate the body is. What I don't like is the pins within the work, I think it ruins the skin like feature and makes it look attacked. 

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