Monday 9 June 2014

Target audience 2

As I have chosen the youth as my target audience I have been looking at well known and noticeable cartoon characters which I could use to show the physical appearance of unhealthy eating habits. Using a well known character and loved one is a good approach to young girls especially. If it was just a photograph of a random man/woman it would be no relevance to them but using someone who is well known will cause more questioning and thought. 

I looked at the Simpsons characters as this american show has been a hit since it was first shown on TV in 1989. The Simpsons characters have traits that are easily recognised and I wouldn't have to sketch out their faces to make the audience realise who they are. 

I want my work to make the audience think about what it could mean but I also want it to be clear. I am going to experiment with all the possibilities and see which I think is the best way to promote a healthier diet.  

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